Our immediate needs include acquiring a fifteen seat van that will be donated to a Nigerian orphanage that does not have the financial means to purchase a new vehicle. The organization that we have selected to partner with provides a group home for children that require regular medical care and health checkups. Unfortunately, there are no medical clinics within walking distance and nearby were recorded at 77.7% and 76.3% respectively, compared to the south-west at 59.1%.
Corruption is rife in Nigeria and for decades politicians have focused on milking cash from crude oil exports, which average more than 2 million barrels per day, rather than developing infrastructure and creating jobs for locals. Despite holding the world’s seventh largest gas reserves, which could be used to generate power, Nigeria only produces enough electricity to power a medium-sized European city. More than half of the country’s 160 million inhabitants live without electricity, while the rest have to rely on expensive generators run on diesel supplies controlled by a small and powerful cartel of importers.
JEB Foundation (Save All Africa Kids – SAAK)
350 Indiana St., Union, NJ 07083
Email: Give@saak.org
JEB Foundation (Save All Africa Kids – SAAK) is a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) charitable organization. A copy of the official registration and financial information may be obtained from New Jersey Division of Consumer Affairs, Charities Registration Section Toll-free within New Jersey: 1-800-242-5846 Outside New Jersey: 973-504-6215 or visiting www.njconsumeraffairs.gov/charities
Registration does not imply endorsement, approval, or recommendation by the State.
© 2012 JEB Foundation (Save All Africa Kids – SAAK). All rights reserved.